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Milk Protein Isolate
Milk Protein Isolate
Milk Protein Isolate
Milk Protein Isolate
Milk Protein Isolate
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    Milk Protein Isolate

    Rs. 1,990.00 Rs. 3,359.00
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    Non-availability due to import issues affecting the supply of raw materials.
    • 21 g (70%) of Protein Per Serving 30.3 g
    • 4.8 g BCAAs | 3.5 g Glutamine | 10.23 g EAAs
    • Zero Added Sugar, Low in Fats, Carbohydrates & Lactose
    • Enriched with Prebiotics (Blood Sugar Management) and Calcium
    • Sustained release protein up to 8 hrs.


    What is Vigourfuel Milk Protein Isolate?

    Vigourfuel Milk protein isolate provides a total milk protein source that is derived from fresh milk. The cold membrane microfiltration process used to produce milk protein isolates (MPIs) allows proteins to remain in their native state, almost completely intact.

    If you have been using caseinates or whey protein powder, you might consider making the switch to MPI. You will get the benefits of both whey protein and casein, without any off-flavors.


    Who is suitable for Vigourfuel Milk Protein Isolate?

    Vigourfuel Milk Protein Isolate is suitable for everyone for those wanting to add high sustained release protein to their diet enriched with prebiotics for improved digestion, gut health, immunity & glycemic control (Blood Sugar Management) and calcium for strong bones. As part of a healthy balanced lifestyle, build muscle mass to compete. Or just need added protein to get rid of those morning aches and pains after working out. It’s even perfect for individuals on a calorie-controlled diet.

    During periods of long fast, sleep or extreme calorie deficit the body can become starved of nutrients and can start to break down lean muscle tissue for energy. Maintaining a lean muscular physique is appealing to the majority of recreational and professional athletes as a low body fat percentage combined with a lean muscular mass can be a defining characteristic for health and performance.

    Milk Protein Isolate has the potential to revolutionize the health & fitness sector as it uniquely boasts the amino acid profile of whey, and the absorption properties of casein. Therefore, it has the anabolic properties to stimulate the rate at which the body makes new proteins (protein synthesis) as well as the capability to trickle feed amino into your muscles over the long hours you sleep at night or fast.


    • When you go to sleep after a workout or unable to eat food for long hours, you ideally want to prevent your body from breaking down lean muscle tissue for energy. This is important of you want to build or maintain muscle mass.
    • Micellar Casein has always been regarded to be the most effective slow release protein source. However, casein contains significantly less leucine (the key stimulator to muscle protein synthesis) and has a slower absorption and utilization rate than whey protein.
    • To provide you with the best of both supplements, Nature has combined the sustained release benefits of micellar casein with the ultra-anabolic properties of whey protein isolate in the form of Milk Protein Isolate. Our new formula of MPI will help you make those all-important gains whilst you sleep or fast for long hours.
    • Higher levels of combined leucine and BCAAs in Milk Protein Isolate than micellar casein alone on a gram-to-gram basis will increase anabolic potential and promote a faster rate of protein synthesis (this is the rate at which your body make new proteins. Simply, Nutrition of whey protein isolate with absorption of Micellar Casein.
    • Milk Protein Isolate takes as long to digest a casein, meaning that more amino acids can be released into your bloodstream. MPI is the perfect choice to promote muscle growth over long hours.


    What are the benefits of Vigourfuel Milk Protein Isolate?

    Vigourfuel Milk Protein Isolate is essentially the same as whey isolate and micellar casein proteins combined.

    Micellar casein and whey protein isolate contain different nutrients and amino acids. MPI encompasses all the nutrients and amino acids contained in both whey protein and micellar casein. In other words, MPI is a more complete dairy protein, much like real milk.

    MPI has had the majority of the lactose (milk sugar) and the fat removed. The bottom line is with MPI, you get all the nutritional benefits of milk without the lactose and fat.


    What is special about Vigourfuel Milk Protein Isolate?

    Although whey protein is one of the most popular forms of protein supplementation, MPI offers several distinct advantages. Providing all the benefits of whey and micellar casein.

    When used as an ingredient in specialty nutrition products, sport nutrition products, weight loss products or virtually any other application, it provides multiple advantages that whey protein alone does not offer.

    Moreover, it is enriched with prebiotics for improved digestion, gut health, immunity & glycemic control and calcium for strong bones.


    What is Prebiotics?

    Prebiotics are specialized plant fibres. They act like fertilizers that stimulate the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut. Prebiotics are found in many fruits and vegetables.


    #1: Decreases Fat and Maintains Muscle

    You may have wondered about the best way to cut back on your calorie consumption and shed off pounds. In a 12-week calorie intake study conducted by Minnesota-based researchers, a group of participants reduced their calories by 500 after they were given whey. Participants who were not asked to consume whey were given drinks with an isocaloric diet. 

    Whey-consuming participants lost around 6.1 percent of their body fat and were able to preserve their muscles much better than the other group of participants.

    *An isocaloric diet is a diet in which you consume the same amount of calories each day from fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. If you normally consume 2100 Calories each day, then 700 would be from carbs, 700 from proteins, and 700 from fats.

    #2: Lets you Gain More Strength and Size

    If you are currently on a workout spree, training at the gym for long periods of hours in an attempt to bulk up some weight, whey protein consumption will help fast track this goal. A study initiated by the Baylor University in Texas proved that whey significantly contributes to fat-free mass and muscle strength increases. One group was given a 20-gram placebo, while another group composed of 19 males performing resistance training for 10 weeks consumed 6 grams of free amino acids and 14 grams of whey and casein protein.

    Individuals adopting a regular workout regimen may want to consume whey an hour before and after starting their routine. Pair whey with strength training exercises to your existing workout regimen and you can bulk up and make your muscles leaner.

    #3: Lowers Blood Sugar Levels

    Whey protein is ideal for people with diabetes or blood sugar problems. Its natural properties can help lower blood sugar levels. However, if you are taking prescription drugs, herbal medication or supplements that affect blood sugar, caution is highly advised when consuming whey protein. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional (doctors, nurses and pharmacists) and have your blood sugar levels constantly monitored in case there are adjustments to your consumption.

    #4: Controls Hunger

    Constant hunger is a sign of hormonal imbalance. Taking in whey will not only keep you from craving food at random instances; it also helps you avoid developing an unhealthy physique. In an Australian-based study, researchers asked 28 obese males to drink four kinds of beverage including whey protein. The group tasked to drink 50 grams of liquefied whey showed greatly reduced ghrelin levels for four hours. Ghrelin is a hormone, which sends “hunger signals” to the brain. With this in mind, you may want to whip up a whey protein shake whenever you feel excessively hungry.

    #5: Helps Address Cancer

    A deadly disease passed on from generation to generation if not acquired through environmental factors, cancer is a bane of society. Thanks to new technological advancements, however, more methods to fight or prevent it have become available. Regular checkups and cancer screenings are particularly helpful in identifying specific types of cancer that your bloodline can be vulnerable to.

    Studies show that whey protein has cancer-fighting properties and is effective in addressing prostate and colon cancer. In addition to getting screened and seeking professional medical advice, if you think you are at risk of contracting cancer, do not hesitate to include whey protein in your regular diet.

    #6: Improves Stress Coping Mechanisms

    Stress is a silent killer and leaves you vulnerable to all kinds of diseases and mental disorders. Resorting to alcohol & smoking is not even an option. Researchers from Netherlands conducted a study that proved there is a healthier alternative for individuals prone to stress. In a clinical research participated by 58 subjects exposed to experimental or synthetic stress, it was discovered that the group who consumed whey protein had fewer manifestations of depression and its members appeared to be in a better mood than the group who did not take whey.

    Researchers made the conclusion that whey protein intake has an impact on the brain's serotonin levels, improving a person's mood and resilience to stress. During stressful times, just grab a whey protein shake. It will help you cope with stress better than alcohol.

    #7: Boosts your Immune System

    Whey intake can also contribute to improved immune system health, according to researchers from the University of Alberta. In the study they conducted, male subjects engaged in physically demanding aerobic exercises experienced greatly reduced glutathione levels that tend to weaken not just their immune system, but also their nervous and gastrointestinal systems. They found out that consuming whey protein as a supplement only reduced the subjects' glutathione levels to a significantly lesser extent. Whey is, therefore, a great supplement to take for those doing extended cardio workout routines as it does not greatly reduce a person's glutathione levels.

    #8: Good Source of Protein for Post-Workout Recovery

    Whey is an ideal source of protein for individuals recovering from injuries incurred during a workout. Whey's high protein quality and its easy-to-absorb properties make it a good protein source for post-workout recovery – a fact already confirmed in the 2012 Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. If you drink a whey protein shake following a strenuous workout, you will receive the right amount of nutrients to ensure muscle growth that can make your frame leaner. To get the best results, check the nutrition facts on the label of your whey supplement. Take note of each serving (ideally 3 grams of leucine to help build muscles) and your supplement's amino acid breakdown.

    #9: Retains Muscle and Manage Weight

    It has already been proven that customizing your whey protein shake and adjusting the calorie dosage helps in reducing or adding weight. In a study published Nutrition and Metabolism, whey demonstrated an ability to help retain muscle and manage weight. Obese people were asked to drink a whey protein shake to help them lose body fat. Another group of obese people were given a different kind of shake. Both groups followed the same diet method for a period of 12 weeks.

    Not only did the group with a whey-based diet succeeded in losing more body fat, but the members also retained much of their muscles compared to the other non-whey group. Muscle retention is particularly important in maintaining your weight. If you have leaner muscles, then you will also be able to burn your calories faster. Lean muscles boost a person's metabolism and preserve their weight.

    #10: Lowers Blood Pressure

    With the right whey protein dosage, workout regimen and diet, whey protein can help lower blood pressure levels. This protein variant can stimulate the production of nitric oxide, a molecular, chemical compound, which contributes to the regulation of blood pressure by dilating the arteries. Lack of nitric oxide in the body can spur the aging process and increase one's risk of contracting a heart disease.

    These benefits show that whey protein can provide a person with benefits that vary from the physical aspects to more intricate functions of the body.

    #11: Casein Is One of The Best Proteins You Can Take

    Casein is a slow-digesting dairy protein that people often take as a supplement.It releases amino acids slowly, so people often take it before bed to help with recovery and reduce muscle breakdown while they sleep.Several studies have shown it helps boost muscle growth, along with a ton of other benefits.

    #12: Like whey, casein is derived from milk

    Milk contains two types of proteins — casein and whey. Casein is 80% of the milk protein, while whey is 20%.Casein protein is digested slowly, while whey protein digested quickly. This is an important difference between these two popular dairy proteins.Like other animal proteins, casein is a complete protein source. That means it provides all the essential amino acids your body needs for growth and repair.It also contains various unique proteins and bioactive compounds, some of which have health benefits. There are two main forms:

    1. Micellar casein: This is the most popular form and is digested slowly.
    2. Casein Hydrolysate: This form is predigested and rapidly absorbed.

    #13: Casein takes much longer to digest than whey

    Casein is well known as a “time-release” protein because of its slow absorption rate in the gut.This means that it feeds your cells with amino acids at a low level over a long period of time.It can help your cells synthesize protein, even during times when your body might normally be breaking down its own muscles to feed itself, such as when you haven’t eaten for some time. For this reason, it’s called “anti-catabolic” and helps reduce muscle breakdowns One study tested digestion speed by providing participants with either a casein or whey protein shake. Researchers monitored the blood amino acid content, specifically the key amino acid leucine, for seven hours after ingestions These researchers found a quicker and larger spike from whey protein due to its rapid absorption rate. Despite a smaller initial peak, casein levels stayed more consistent over time. In another study, researchers gave participants either whey or casein protein and then measured their digestion rate by analyzing circulating levels of the amino acid, leucine, over a seven-hour period. They found that circulating levels of leucine rose 25% higher in the whey protein group, indicating faster digestion. This means that the casein group reduced the total amount of protein burned for fuel over a seven-hour period. That means an improved net protein balance, a key factor for muscle growth and retention.

    #14: Casein protein is very effective for muscle growth

    Bodybuilders and athletes have used this supplement for decades. Like other animal proteins, it contains all the essential amino acids that your own body is unable to produce naturally. Most importantly, it provides a high amount of leucine, which initiates muscle protein synthesis. If you only consume a low or moderate amount of protein, it may help you boost muscle growth simply by increasing your protein intake. One study compared those who took casein to two other groups. One consumed whey protein and the other had no protein. The researchers found that the casein group experienced double the muscle growth and triple the fat loss compared to the placebo group. The casein group also experienced more fat loss than the whey group. It may also enhance long-term muscle mass by reducing protein breakdown. This process occurs on a daily basis when your body is low on energy and amino acids. It’s accelerated during exercise or weight loss. For this reason, casein is often used at night to prevent the protein breakdown that may occur, since you go through a relatively long period without food while you sleep. In one study, a casein protein shake before bedtime helped strength-training men increase type 2 muscle fiber size by 8.4 cm² in the supplement group, compared to 4.8 cm² in the training-only group. They also found the casein group increased strength to a greater extent, or about 20% more than the training-only group.

    #15: Casein may have other impressive benefits for your health

    Some preliminary studies have found that casein can have other impressive benefits, including:

    Antibacterial and immune benefits: Some cell studies suggest it may provide antibacterial and immune benefits and reduce high blood pressure.

    Triglyceride levels: One study in 10 overweight individuals found that it reduced triglyceride levels after a meal by 22%.

    Reduction in free radicals: Some of the peptides in casein protein powder may have antioxidant effects and fight the buildup of harmful free radicals.

    Fat loss: One 12-week training study found the average fat loss among people taking the supplement was three times greater than in a placebo group.

    #16: Does it have any harmful side effects?

    The myth that high protein intake causes ill health has been debunked many times. Direct studies and reviews have highlighted that there are no negative effects in healthy individuals. The only exception is those with current kidney or liver disease, who may need to limit their protein intake. If you take 1-2 scoops of casein per day, then it is highly unlikely that you will get any noticeable side effects, let alone serious ones. That being said, some people are allergic to casein or intolerant to lactose, which is often found in small amounts with the supplement. Other people may become bloated or experience other digestive symptoms, but this depends on the individual. Like whey, casein protein is very safe for human consumption. As discussed above, it may even have some impressive long-term benefits for your health.

    #17: What is Legume Protein Isolate?

    Derived from lentils, beans and rice, chickpeas, black beans.

    #17: Benefits of plant-based protein

    If you’re looking to scale back on animal protein, it’s likely that better health is one of your goals. Getting more plants in your diet is almost never a bad idea!

    Some research has suggested that a plant-based diet could play a role in cancer prevention. Other studies have shown plant-based eating can be a helpful strategy for weight loss and type 2 diabetes management.

    Meanwhile, plant-based foods typically contain fiber, which promotes good gut bacteria, smoother digestion, and — in the case of soluble fiber — better heart health.

    A 2019 study found that a plant-based diet was linked to lower risk of cardiovascular disease and death from any cause in middle-aged adults.


    Café Mocha: Milk Protein Isolate-Micellar Casein & Whey Protein Isolate 80:20), Prebiotics-Inulin, Coffee Extract, Cocoa (Processed with Alkali), Permitted Nature Identical Flavor, Zero Calorie Sweetener-Sweetener (INS 950).


    Always Add Liquid First in Shaker/Blender and then Vigourfuel Milk Protein Isolate for Proper Mixability. 

    Note: Only use the scoop provided with the product for correct dosage.

    Dos & Don'ts 

    • Milk Protein Isolate will not mix properly, and you may find small lumps as well.
    • The shake will taste too sweet and thick because the total quantity of eg. the shake should be 300 ml water + 30 g Protein = 330 ml, but as you have already added 30 g Protein in Shaker and now adding water up to 300 ml in shaker means you are adding 30 ml water less i.e. 30 g Protein + 270 ml water = 300 ml.
    • The above method is applicable for not only proteins but for all ready to mix powders.

    Q. What will happen, if we mix protein in hot liquid/milk?
    • MPI is heat stable and able to mix with warm milk or water..
    • It is advisable to mix Protein with cold milk or at room temperature in a shaker first, followed by heating <60 degrees Celsius.
    • Make sure to clean Shaker properly with dish soap and warm water as soon as possible after usage.
    • The left-over protein in a shaker start degrading fast and will give you highly unpleasant smell if kept for long uncleaned.
    • If kept for too long uncleaned, the unpleasant smell will be absorbed by the plastic of the shaker permanently and making it not usable.
    • It is advisable to clean your shaker at the earliest with warm water and dish soap.

    Keep the product tightly packed in cool environment and away from moisture.

    First Time Users

    It takes a day or two for new user to get adjusted and adapt to high protein diet especially vegetarians.

    Follow the below steps to avoid bloating:

    • Day One: Take first serving Post-Workout with water only.
    • Day Two: If you felt comfortable on day one without any bloating, you can start following your plan as per your protein requirement and recommended usage.
    Q. Gas, Bloating, flatulence after protein?
    Avoid taking protein with high fat & carbohydrate meal, especially milk. It may cause indigestion, bloating, nausea & diarrhea to new users or people with weak digestion and lactose intolerance.

    Recommended Usage & Protein Timings

    Serving Size: One Scoop of Vigourfuel Milk Protein Isolate

    • It is widely recommended that for optimal benefits, you should take 2 gram of protein per kg of body weight per day.
    • Add one scoop of Vigourfuel MPI to a shaker cup filled with 300 ml. of water or your favorite beverage. Blend for 25-30 seconds.
    • Drink 1-5 servings daily as needed to satisfy protein requirements. Using non-fat milk instead of water will give you a thicker, creamier shake.
    • Tip: Vary the amount of liquid to meet your desired taste and consistency & sweetness. 

    Early Morning: During sleep the body remains inactive for 6-8 hours, without any nourishment. Without protein, muscles start to breakdown in order to create energy for the body. Drinking the Vigourfuel MPI Protein early in the morning prevents muscle breakdown before it starts. 

    In Between Meals/Pre-Workout: Consuming the Vigourfuel MPI Protein  in between meals and pre-workout keeps your body in an anabolic and positive nitrogen balance state throughout the day and prevents muscle loss.

    Post Workout: A strenuous workout session leaves your muscles starved, making them absorb more protein compared to any other time of the day. Being a fast acting protein, Vigourfuel MPI Protein stimulates fast recovery and builds lean muscle mass post workout.

    At Bed Time: Your muscles starve when you sleep at night. As a result, your body may use the store of limited nutrients to fuel metabolic processes. Vigourfuel MPI Protein prevents muscles from going into a catabolic state and reduces muscle breakdown.

    For optimum results, combine Vigourfuel MPI Protein with proper workout and balanced diet for best results. Taking rest is important, allow 48 hours of recovery between workouts involving the same body parts.


    Q. How much Vigourfuel Milk Protein Isolate should I take on non-training days?

    A. It is important to keep your protein intake high even on non-training days as this is when the body will recover. On non-training days we recommend taking Vigourfuel Milk Protein Isolate in the morning and between meals. 

    Q. What is Milk Protein Isolate 80:20?

    A. Milk Protein Isolate is derived from skimmed milk powder and it contains Micellar Casein 80% and 20% Whey Protein in native form.

    Q. What is Micellar Casein Isolate?

    A. Casein is the predominant form of protein which makes up 80% of the protein found in milk. Casein protein is the major protein in milk which is the solid part left over after Whey is separated from milk. Casein is a complete protein that contains all the 20 essential and nonessential amino acids necessary for synthesizing muscle protein. The word ‘casein’ is derived from the Latin word ‘caseus’ meaning cheese. We call it Micellar Casein because the casein protein groups form micelles or tiny balls when they come in contact with stomach acids which slows down the rate of its absorption by the body. Micellar Casein ingestion results in a more prolonged post-prandial increase in plasma amino acid concentrations (for 5-7 hours). The gradual absorption, steady and slow release of amino acids gets the name slow-digesting protein and bed-time protein to Micellar Casein.

    Q. What is the difference between Whey Concentrate and Whey Isolate & Whey Peptides?

    A. Whey protein concentrate is extracted from whole milk, during the cheese making process through method of filtration. This whey protein concentrate is 80% protein and naturally contains Lactose, fat and immune-boosting sub-fractions such as beta-lactoglobulin, alpha lactalbumin, immunoglobulins, Glycomacropeptides and bovine serum albumin.

    Whey Protein Isolate is extracted by further purification of Whey Protein Concentrate via removal of lactose and fat making it a purer source of protein. Whey Protein Isolate is 90-95% protein. As whey concentrates contain significant amounts of lactose, anyone with severe lactose intolerance should avoid them.

    Whey peptides is a concentrate or isolate in which some of the amino bonds have been broken by exposure of the proteins to heat, acids or enzymes. This pre-digestion makes peptide proteins more rapidly absorbed in the gut than either whey concentrates or isolates.

    Q. What is the difference between cold-filtered and ion exchange whey protein isolate?

    A. Cold-Filtered Microfiltration Whey Protein Isolate: In microfiltration, whey runs through filters at low temperature to remove nearly all fat, lactose, and other impurities. This process is like the way a water filter removes impurities from water; leaving purified water behind, so too microfiltration removes the impurities from whey (lactose and fat) to create an isolated and purified protein.

    Ion Exchange Whey Protein Isolate: Ion exchange technology is regarded as the best of the best in the world as it removes even more fat and lactose through and electrical charge; giving the finished product a slightly higher level of protein and lower level of fat and lactose.  This process takes exceptional care not to denature the protein; resulting in an ultra-purified protein isolate with approximately 30% more leucine than microfiltered whey isolate. Leucine is known as the critical amino acid for athletes to initiate muscle protein synthesis.

    Q. How can it be consumed? What should be the temperature of milk/ water or beverage? Dilution proportion. Recipes to include?

    A. Vigourfuel Milk Protein Isolate tastes best when mixed with milk. Alternatively, it can be combined with water as per your taste preferences. You can also consider mixing Vigourfuel Premium Unflavored Whey Protein with your favorite drinks like lassi, fruit juices, milkshakes etc.

    You can also make your meals more nutritious by incorporating Unflavored Whey in your favorite recipes while making nutrition bars and pancakes. It can also be mixed in your breakfast cereal -Oats, Muesli etc. 

    Vigourfuel Milk Protein Isolate has high mix-ability due to its freshness, it is best mixed with beverages at room temperatures. 

    Do not mix Whey protein in a hot beverage as it can lead to alteration of original protein, affecting flavor and texture.

    Q. If a whey concentrate is 80% protein, why its written 100% whey protein?

    A. The 80% refers to the concentration level of the protein that is in the ingredient – Whey Protein Concentrate.If a product is called 100% whey protein, this usually refers to the protein source used, meaning only whey protein is used, not egg, soy or milk protein. Therefore, a product that is named 100% whey protein (if it’s from a concentrate or isolate, or hydrolysate or blend of two or more whey sources  ) would contain about 80% protein.

    Q. If a whey protein concentrate is 80% protein, what is the other 20%?

    A. Whey is derived from Cows milk; hence 80% protein implies for the percentage of protein obtained from each scoop of powder. e.g. Every protein powder, whether it’s whey, soy or something else, has moisture. In fact, 4-5% of the total formula is water. Rest 15% contains naturally occurring minerals, added flavors, carbohydrates & fats.

    Q. How its possible that a serving size is of 30.4 g, but it contains 24 g of Protein + 4.8  g BCAAs + 3.5 g Glutamine = 32.3 g ?

    A. 21 g is the sum of all the amino acids present in 30.3 g of serving, BCAAs and Glutamine are one of the key amino acids and are already included in it.

    Q. Can people who are allergic or sensitive to milk use this product? Can people with lactose intolerance consume Vigourfuel Milk Protein Isolate?

    A. If a person knows about their lactose tolerance it is suggested to consult a nutritionist/ health professional before using any whey protein as the lactose concentration in each serving will determine the tolerable limit. We have lactose free Vigourfuel ISO ZERO Whey Protein Isolate extracted by further purification and elimination of Lactose and fat molecules, making it more tolerable suitable for individuals with lactose intolerance or sensitivity towards to digest milk and milk products.

    Q. I am a vegetarian. Should I consume Milk Protein Isolate?

    A. Yes, being a Vegetarian, you must consider adding protein to your diet as it plays a vital role. A typical vegetarian diet comprises of limited sources of protein obtained from second class protein sources like dals and pulses. These are not complete proteins (typically lacking in one amino acid methionine) and hence not the best source of protein. Soya is considered a complete protein but the biological value for the same is also lesser when compared to non-vegetarian sources of protein. Whey protein scores the highest biological value amongst all the protein sources due to its excellent amino acid profile. Additionally, an important point to be considered by a vegetarian is whether the whey protein that is extracted from milk is using animal sourced rennet (added for curdling of milk to make cheese) or micro-enzyme based. Rennet is found naturally in the intestines of mammals for digestion of milk. At Vigourfuel we use microbial rennet to ensure that the final product is 100% pure vegetarian.

    Q. Whey protein or casein, which one is better?

    A. Whey and casein both are extracted from milk. Whey protein constitutes approximately 20% of the protein found in milk. Whey is the richest natural source of BCAAs (branch-chain amino-acids) and is usually the preferred choice for muscle building, change in body composition, improvement of lean muscle and reduction of body fat levels. Whey plays a vital role in quick replenishment of broken muscles and enhances immune function due to its naturally occurring immunoglobulins. it is best added in a post-workout meal especially when the body is in the muscle breakdown phase and needs fast absorbing protein for muscle repair & building. Casein protein constitutes 80% of milk protein. Casein is a slow-release protein. Casein is best supplemented with meals and before bed time where a slow and continued release of protein is preferred. Athletes, bodybuilders, and fitness enthusiasts usually combine the two, consuming whey for quick protein replenishment and Casein for slow and steady protein release.

    Q. Why do chocolate flavors have less protein than non-chocolate flavors?

    A. To achieve a rich chocolate taste, cocoa must be added along with a chocolate flavor. Non-Chocolate only requires flavor for a good taste. Added cocoa, displaces some of the protein in a formula. Various brands deal with this lower protein situation in one of three ways. Either their chocolate product will have slightly less protein and slightly more carbs, or the serving size is increased to make the protein level constant between flavors or addition of more isolate is done to keep the protein constant.

    Q. How can I tell if the protein I use is a good quality protein?

    A. Keys signs to look for are the level of protein declared on the label. Look for whey protein concentrate with a minimum of 80%. Unflavored, pure whey protein concentrate should be smooth with a neutral dairy taste. It should be easy to mix and with little froth. Of course the ultimate way to know is from the results you get from taking the product. * In conjunction with proper diet and training. 

    Q. Is Vigourfuel Premium Milk Protein Isolate suitable for vegetarians and vegans ?

    A. Vigourfuel Milk Protein Isolate is suitable for vegetarians, but not for vegans. 

    Q. Can I take Vigourfuel Milk Protein Isolate with other supplements?

    A. Yes, no problem. We recommend you always check serving instructions on each product if you plan on taking a combination. Vigourfuel Milk Protein Isolate is most commonly taken with Creatine, Pure Fine Oats, BCAAs and Glutamine. 

    Q. Can I take too much protein?

    A. If you don’t burn the excess calories that come with the additional protein, it may lead to increased body fat. No other side effects have been noted. 

    Q. How do I make the perfect Milk Protein Isolate?

    A. There are a few things to bear in mind if you are looking to make the perfect protein shake. First of all you need a quality protein like our Vigourfuel Protein. You will also need a decent blender rather than a shaker. We recommend the Vigourfuel Shaker. Then pour your preferred amount of liquid into the shaker. Bear in mind that milk will provide a creamier shake but water will avoid the extra fat that comes with milk. Next, drop one scoop of protein into the liquid, screw on the lid and shake well. It’s not rocket science, but follow the basic principles and you’ll be making great tasting shakes for years to come. 

    Q. What if any side effects will I get from taking Vigourfuel Milk Protein Isolate?

    A. We haven’t heard of any nasty side effects from taking Vigourfuel Protein other than maybe increased flatulence! Provided you don’t have an allergy to dairy proteins or need to restrict dairy products for medical reasons, you should be fine. If you are allergic to dairy proteins, please consult your doctor prior to consuming any type of whey protein. 

    Q. Do any foods contain Milk Protein Isolate concentrate/isolate?

    A. No, there are no foods that contain milk protein concentrate/isolate. There are many foods that contain high levels of protein, such as red meat, chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, cheese and soy. 

    Q. What effects should I expect from taking Vigourfuel Milk Protein Isolate alongside my training regime?

    A. Results vary depending on your diet, nutrition, training and individual body type. 

    Q. Who should take / benefit from using Vigourfuel Milk Protein Isolate?

    A. Just about everyone who is physically active could benefit from using MPI. Bodybuilders and strength athletes / endurance athletes / those on a controlled weight loss diet / those new to weight training / people involved in team sports

    Q. When can i start expecting results? Most Asked Million Dollar Question

    A. You can start expecting results after about 3 months at least. Give your body some time. You did not get out of shape instantly so do not expect to get into shape instantly. The first few months goes in just learning correct form and right nutrition. Only after that you increase intensity to make a difference. 

    Make sure to train under a certified nutritionist and trainer in order to achieve desired results. 

    Do keep in mind that fitness is an Art as well as Science, its takes 100% scientific approach to reach your goal. The easier it seems, the difficult it is, else everyone would have achieved the best body on this planet.

    Supplements are not magical pill, which gives you fortnightly results. They are just 10% of your whole nutrition. If your nutrition is incorrect, supplements will be of no good use.

    If only supplements were able to deliver results, then the person with no money constrain will be the fittest person. But reality is opposite mostly rich people who got access to all supplements are the one struggling in the gym to lose fat and gain muscle.

    It takes months and year of scientific training & nutrition and proper rest to achieve a perfect body.

    Q. Does whey protein or any other protein shake build muscle quicker than other protein?

    A. That is not true. If the person is getting 1.5-2 gms/Kg body weight of protein every day from first class sources he will continue to build muscle (given the fact that he trains intensely and prioritizes rest and recovery). Whey protein is superior only in giving a boost to muscle repair (anabolism) immediately after the workout due to its high biological value and fast speed of digestion and absorption. Whey and other protein powders also supply less calories and are more convenient, making it easier to meet the daily protein requirement. They also become essential in a complete vegan's diet. 

    Q. Are protein shakes good for health?

    A. Yes. You can use a protein shake as a part of your diet, if you are not having adequate amount of dairy products, eggs or meat in your diet. Remember protein shakes derive their protein from natural sources such as milk (Whey and Casein), Egg (Albumen), Soya bean (Soy isolates). Hence these powders can do you no harm. In fact, it makes eating healthy easy. It is also a convenient way to increase your protein intake without increasing your caloric intake too much. Complete Vegans will need to supplement their diet with protein shakes as they have complete absence of first-class sources of protein (As they are all found mostly in animal sources). In fact, if your diet does not provide you with adequate protein, then it is downright unhealthy to workout intensely as you will only lose muscle. 

    Q. Are high protein diets good?

    A. There is no such thing as a high protein diet. The moment you start to workout your requirement of protein goes up. Thus a person who is working out must take protein in higher quantities than a sedentary person. A sedentary person requires 0.8 gms/Kg of body weight and a person working out intensely requires 1.5-2 gms/Kg of body weight. This simple fact is erroneously confused as an excessively high protein diet which it is not. Increasing protein in a person who has started working-out is just giving him the adequate protein and not excessively high. 

    Q. Will I get better and faster results with supplementation?

    A. There is no such thing as faster results. You must understand that results from exercise are possible only with sound nutrition. If your nutrition has inadequacies then results will always evade you. These short comings can be resolved through proper supplementation. Especially getting the right amount of protein in every meal, everyday is difficult and next to impossible for some, so protein supplementation could spell the difference between results and frustration. If you are committed to a sound eating program and get all your protein requirements from whole foods, then you will get results and there won't be any need for supplementation.

    Q. Will whey protein or protein shakes cause pimples and boils?

    A. Pimples or boils form due to constipation, indigestion, upset stomach and not drinking enough water and also due to accumulation of sweat and dirt in the skin pores. This can happen due to hot climate, increased sweating (which varies from person to person), poor water intake and lack of skin hygiene.

    Q. Is whey protein or protein supplement is a steroid?

    A. Absolutely False, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Whey protein is a naturally occurring protein found in cow’s milk as well as in the milk of a lactating mother. It is formed from the liquid by-product of the cheese-making procedure and is a very good source of rapidly absorbing protein. Whey protein also contains all 9 essential amino acids and is low in lactose content.

    Q.  Will whey protein or other protein shakes automatically build muscle and reduce fat?

    A. Absolutely False, While whey protein certainly does help in muscle synthesis and fat loss, it is not the sole catalyst of these two processes. To lose weight and gain muscle, one must follow a balanced diet along with a regular exercise regime. It is then that the full potential of whey protein will be utilized by the body for the best results.

    Q. Does consuming whey or other protein shakes can damage the kidney?

    A. Absolutely False, While this is a very common rumor, there is no evidence to suggest consumption of whey protein shakes leads to kidney damage. While those who suffer from kidney problems are instructed to reduce or eliminate protein consumption, it has not been proven that consumption of whey protein shakes cause damage to the organ.

    Q. Does consuming whey or other protein makes women bulky?

    A. Simply consuming whey protein will not make women bulky. Whey protein aids the process of muscle synthesis and the production of lean muscle. Unless consumption of whey protein is complemented with an intense workout regime and a strict diet, it will be very hard for a woman to become bulky.